#Hashtag #Marketing #101

Hashtag wasn’t really created for marketing, it was mainly used to open a group discussion on specific topic. Hashtag was first introduced on twitter through Internet Relay Chats. A lot of people caught on this trend and it became popular in no time. What is exactly Hashtag? Most of you probably know what is hashtag…


Do you like spam? Well, I do! I’m just kidding, I also hate spams. I bet most of you have a lot of spam emails on your account. Almost half of your inbox is flooded with it which mostly sent straight to the trash. However, when you see an email like that, can you actually…

Viral Marketing Cheat Codes

What makes viral contents goes… well, viral? Honestly, I don’t even know the answer. This is pretty tough question to answer. Some people says it is luck, but is it actually luck that determine the popularity of the content? For years, there is always someone out there that could create a viral content. What is…

Is This Real Life Or Just Fantasy?

Is this real life, or is this just FANTA SEA?! Get it? Fanta… SEA!! HAHAHA! Okay that was rather lame. Anyway, jokes aside, I’m pretty sure you know what is Virtual Reality. Right? Wait… you don’t? Well, sucks to be you. I’m just kidding, I hope you are still interested in reading more (*I Hope…

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

  Remember the previous post about endorsement marketing? This is just another similar marketing model that requires another parties to assist you to promote your brands or products. However, what is exactly the main difference between the two models? Endorsement marketing focuses more toward popular people such as celebrities and use them to attract their…

Endorsement Marketing

Have you ever follow your favourite celebrities and see a post they posted with a product with it? This is pretty much an endorsement. What is exactly endorsement? it is a marketing strategy marketers use to promote their products through someone. This strategy attaches celebrity’s fame to a brand or product and took advantages of…

Is Freemium Actually Free?

Is freemium actually free? Now let’s think back when you played a game that is free; any game, whether it’s mobile games, pc games, anything. You played it so much that you grew addicted and loving the content of the game. This is where it gets nasty, as you wants more you will somewhat tempted…

Emojis Marketing Campaign!

Almost everyone at any age use emoji whether its on phone or computer. Why do we use emoji in the first place? Is it because its funny? It’s unique? or is it to make communication less boring? Emoji is a digital communication usually showed as a small digital image or icon which is used to…

Clickbait Is Everywhere!

Every time you open a website, something pops up and it looks interesting. Some of you might click on it to see what’s the content of the site whether its an article, news, or even a video. How many times you felt annoyed and disappointed at it because you just wasted another five minutes of…

Voice Search Are Taking Over Digital Market?

21st century, is recorded as the era of digital revolution where advancement of technology has become our necessity in our daily life. The rise in technology increases mobile usage and it used for almost everything. Not only for our satisfaction but for businesses as well. Therefore, in 2017, marketers need to consider this trend as…